Why Do People Copy What I Say
Why Do Copy-Cats Steal Your Self Expression
When someone imitates you it’s annoying and disrespectful. But when they steal your words and self expression it’s very disturbing. I’m talking about the people who actually “steal your self expression” and claim your persona as opposed to being their true self.
What makes people copy you
Copy cat behavior is often caused by low self esteem and usually the lack of individuality. Many copy cats don’t even realize that they are insecure and doubtful of themselves, so it should be gently brought to their attention if at all.
Why the copy cats find you so alluring is because you have something very special. The ability to honestly, authentically and effectively communicate “your thoughts and feelings” in your own words is a gift from God.
We all have different gifts, not everyone has this gift, so that is the crack in the floor that jealousy and envy slip through. Sometimes it is the people we trust the most that actually run off with our self expressions. But do not let it get to you too much, instead, think of the opportunity you have.
People who subconsciously envy others tend to have the copy cat behavior. They may struggle with self-worth. There is power in knowing thyself completely, and you must do this before you can express yourself honestly. This is why it is easier for some people to simply repeat your words rather than think for themselves.
Are they imitating you or drawing inspiration from you
While it may be flattering to be admired being copied can often feel like someone is trying to take your identity and be you. If it is uncomfortable when someone you trust steals your characteristics and uniqueness, is it a complement or insult? It has been both in my own experience.
It used to piss me off then I changed my attitude about being copied by others. Today, I believe it is an opportunity to lead the lost to God.
When you become the target of envy, jealousy and copy cats let them follow and copy you all the way to Jesus.

Copy Cats Repeat What You Say For a Reason
You have a unique way of expressing yourself. If your words and the way you speak is so powerful then people who do not know how to communicate their experiences and feelings adequately will simply repeat what you say. Why? You may be so captivating when you share a story or your thoughts that the copy cats in your life cannot resist trying to be like you. We all have our own unique life experiences so that is not the problem, it is the inability to articulate effectively.
Honest, original and unique people don’t need to copy others. They develop their own vocabulary by putting forth the effort to learn new words the meanings and how to use those words properly. Have you ever heard a person using a word, usually a big one, yet they have no clue what the word means, never mind how to use it correctly. Sometimes a copy cat will misuse big words to impress others and other times they find someone they admire and wish to be like and just take their words. Is this any different than a song writer taking lyrics belonging to another artist and using it as if it where their own? Not at all.

Lead Copy Cats to Jesus
They are not going away and they will not change their stripes so use the power you have over them and lead them to the cross and salvation. While it is not fun to have someone imitate you and steal your likeness, especially if it’s someone you care about, you can use the power and gift that you have to direct them to the cross.
People are like lost lambs who need a shepherd to guide them. Social media is clear evidence of the concept of followers. The Internet is full of wonderful sayings that people simply repeat and share because “it sounds good”. An abundance of selfies says something about a person’s self esteem. The need for constant re-enforcement of one’s self image and value is a sign of a severe deficit in self-worth. When you are confident in who you are in a healthy way you are able to honestly express your views, beliefs and opinions. But this only comes after doing a very good evaluation of self. All of you. If you only look at what you like about yourself you will become arrogant and the need for attention and compliments will increase.
How to Deal with Copy Cats Who Repeat Your Words
Anyone that has had to listen to someone else repeat their words knows this is disrespectful and annoying. If you notice this happening time and time again with several people then consider yourself blessed and allow yourself to be used to lead these lost individuals to the Lord. How? Understand the power that you have in being someone that others admire and wish to be like.
First things first, stop sharing personal thoughts and feelings with the wrong people. Not everyone can be trusted. Next, as soon as you realize that someone is imitating your speech change what you say to them. Do not share your emotions or personal perspectives with someone who mimics you. Save yourself from becoming frustrated when you hear them repeat your thoughts and feelings. At this point you must restrain from the personal and keep things cordial. But use the opportunity and feed them scriptures and God’s word.
When you talk to a copy cat know that they are listening intently because they are truly interested in what you have to say because they admire you and want to be able to speak and communicate just like you.
So there is great news. If you share scriptures then you are doing a good work, when the copy cats repeat your words they will be spreading God’s word. As a Bible believing Christian this is how I have chosen to deal with the copy cats in life. Praise God!