Always Put Your Best Foot Forward

If you know that you can do better then do better. It sounds simple enough, right. Wrong. If anything in life is worth having, it is definitely worth working hard for. Too many people choose a quick and easy way to get what they want. Yet the Bible tells us ill gotten gains grow wings and fly away. It is amazing how many people are tempted to acquire material things just to fit in or impress others. In life all we need to do is our best and trust that God will do the rest.

The blame game is not a good reason to make desperate decisions. Parents are not perfect and blaming them for our inability to resist the devil is unfair. Sometimes it takes becoming a parent and making your own mistakes to fully understand this. As a child we are our parents responsibility but when we become adults we must take responsibility for our own destiny. Boy does that reality sting. It is very common for children to grow up and want to be treated as an adult but heavy is the head that wears a crown.

What does that have to do with always doing your best? Everything. Somehow I’ve always had a part of me that was inspired to do my best and I think that came from my sister who raised me and my step dad. As a young child it was always a good thing to please them. Get good grades. Learn to brush my hair. Whatever. If I did good it made them happy and that made me happy.

In my later years it brings me peace and pleasure to please and make God happy. I am thankful for all the hard roads that I’ve traveled in my life because it all led me to my father in heaven. I began to pick up my Bible and read it with a need to know attitude when my sister passed at the tender age of fifty-one. To know

Integrity and Character

When parents hold on to tight and do not allow children to spread our wings it can be crippling. The old school parents of the 50s and 60s may have seemed hard on us but they did their best and failed miserably in many areas. But at the end of the day it made many of us much stronger and more resilient. Too much coddling and we are not strong enough to survive in the world and stand on our own two feet. Too little and we learn the hard way by having to figure things out on our own. Either way as we grow older we have to, sooner or later, grow up. As the scriptures say, when I was a child I acted like a child, thought as a child and spoke as a child and when I became a woman/man I put away childish things. Now that is paraphrased but you can read the scriptures.

An important quality of growing up is choosing to always do what is right and to do your best. That does not mean to compete with others or try to outdo them … it simply means do “your” best at all times.

There really is no good reason to be a slacker in life. The person who only does what they need to do in order to get by is not doing themselves any good. When you strive to do your best regardless of the circumstances or problems or negative people then you glorify God.

If you can do better then do better does not mean be arrogant. You are not the better than anyone, we are all special and uniquely made by the hands of God. Always be your best self.

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