How Well Do You Know Yourself
It is important to understand who we are as a member of the human race and as a member of God’s family. Too often we skate through life looking at and judging others, yet we never stop to take a good look at ourselves. Remember Michael Jackson’s song ‘Man in the Mirror’ if you do what message did you receive from it. The lyrics are very deep. A lot of people don’t have the courage to do a really good check up on themselves for fear of finding things they may not like.
Self evaluation can seem scary but it is a very positive act of self love. To know thyself is to love thyself. How can you expect anyone, other than God, to love you and all of your faults if you don’t even know what those imperfections are. We all can think that we are good people and conjure up some real evidence of our perfection. Most of us can spew out a list of good deeds that we have done or are doing in an effort to ignore or cover up things we are not proud of. To get to the point in life where you can truly acknowledge that your not perfect takes courage. This is especially true if we already have low self-esteem.
The beauty of accepting your own faults by being mindful and practicing self-awareness is this, you can change. The Bible tells us to renew our minds for a reason, and with that we also need to change our behaviors. Although we will never be perfect God’s perfection can shine and show through us.
Self awareness is powerful and it can help you to recognize your sinful nature and by reading your Bible you will learn how to see yourself through God’s eyes instead of yours or the worlds.